What Should Parents Do When Their Children Do Not Get Along?
Here is a true story for parents who have not yet begun creating harmony in their families
Children Who Are Addicted to Apayamukha (the Roads to Ruin)
Their love for their children makes parents work hard to earn money, so that they can provide comforts like an education, toys, and clothes for their children
The Four Important Roles Parents Must Play in Raising Good Children
All parents wish bright futures for their children. They want to raise well-behaved, respectful and moral children whose comport will help them advance far in society
คลื่นสีขาว สื่อใสหัวใจเด็ก
Anger at Different Times, but Love at the Same Time
Selecting a spouse is a life-changing decision. Out of the billions of people on earth, we choose only one with whom to spend the most difficult part.
อย่าปล่อยเวลาให้เปล่าประโยชน์ ภาษาอังกฤษ Don’t Let Time Pass By Uselessly บทความภาษาอังกฤษสั้นๆ แต่ลึกซึ้งจากคำสอนอันทรงคุณค่าของคุณยายอาจารย์ . . .
Looking after one’s Extended Family
All of the trees that stand together in the forest will help each other mutually provide shelter against the gales, storms
Fathers That Children hate
Sometimes when a father is addicted to the roads to ruin, [Apayamukha] and unable to be the leader of the household, the responsibilities fall upon the mother
Benefits of Meditation for Your Mind
I am a son in a Chinese family. My family owned a trading company. My family was never interested in Buddhism or meditation. We never went to any temple, never hung an amulet and never prayed at a spiritual shrine.
Encourage Each Other
From a wealthy family we suddenly turned the opposite way, which we were not prepared for. My father drank even more after this depression. When he got drunk, he would hurt my mother several times.